The Enchanted Wood are driven by
Michel Le Faou, who sings and plays different instruments.
He's the lowest common denominator to the following possible configurations of The Enchanted Wood:
Julien Chevalier is usually on guitar and Orla-guitar, and
Paul Loiseau on a neo-folk/post-industrial drums.
Both are members of band
La Terre Tremble!!!.

This configuration is made of members of band
Fat Supper:
Leo88Man plays piano,
Dudy Ruby holds a bass and
Pierre Marolleau sits behind a drum-kit.

Sometimes, elements of A and B may blend, or A+B will perform as a
deluxe configuration (6 musicians and more).
Any of these configurations may also be joined by other musicians. These people have sometimes been seen in The Enchanted Wood:
Astrid Radigue (glockenspiel, backing vocals),
Pascal Moreau (guitar),
David Cadoret (double bass),
Jean-Michel Blécon (drums),
Nikki Renard (trumpet),
Tim Bewlay (piano),
Soaz Le Lay (cello).
Choirs have been known to be performed by the
Ugly Children Choir.